Wednesday, 29 May 2013


Poly is fun, who is the stupid people told me that? Hahah, poly not even fun, and it's totally suffering for me. 
I got in the course I'm not really interested. Alright, that's my problem. I didn't study hard. So I have to try and study. I have no one to blame to. Haha
But, I don't know why poly so busy -.- 
It's like, start school-quiz-report-common test-school-quiz-report-final exams. 
Kept repeating this way. So boring seriously. 
I'm so stress about my study, I so afraid to fail. Sigh......
I don't understand what the teacher saying, what my classmates talking. I just blur. HAHAHAH! 
I tried to study, today I had lab test, I did write, but I don't know whether is right or wrong. Sigh

And btw, I have something to share
One day, one of my classmates ask me to lend my mirror to him, and I said I didn't bring. Yes, indeed I didn't bring. 

Like one hour later, 
Everyone was doing the calculation, and I didn't bring calculator, I asked him to lend me calculator and he say he didn't bring, but I saw he using it on the spot.
And he told me: how people treat me how I treat people. 
I was like ducking lol man! 
I don't know what to say, 
Shame on me or shame on him.
I didn't know nowadays people live the life without heart. Seriously. Like, I don't know how to say, just awful. 
We, human, should always have a good and grateful heart. If not, we are just like those feelingless animals. 
I was so shocked. 
I always thought people are always with a good heart. 
Now I understand, people good to you, are always they wanted something from you. How horrible. This is the world? Sigh...... No comment in this kind of people. 

Live life, 
Love life. 
Love Keira

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